Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What does it mean?

Going Green?

Wikipedia associates Going Green with Environmentalism "a broad philosophy and social movement centered on a concern for the conservation and improvement of the natural environment ..."

Not necessarily defined as succinctly as I would like. Does it mean you are "Going Green" as long you have a concern for the environment? Or do you actually have to do something about it? Can it be somewhere in the middle?

I found a definition I liked better (where better than a blog to find sources to suit your purpose!) from a University of Marlyand site. It defines Going Green as "Adapting your lifestyle so as to do less damage to the environment."

I really like that one.

Adapting infers that it doesn't have to be a complete 180 degree change and that it can come with time. I think with all the hoopla regarding Going Green we lose track of that fact that we can make small changes that will still make an impact on the environment. And we loose track of those small changes still being worthwhile. It also says you are adapting to do less damage to the environment. Not no damage, I'm not sure that's possible. But the idea of being green meaning you make no impact at all on the environment around you is daunting. Maybe it's scaring people away from making greener choices?

I don't have to be completely Green. I can work at it bit by bit and find ways I can impact the environment around me that I can adapt to my lifestyle.

I'm just a mom, I'm not an environmentalist and I'm not a hippie, but I am trying to Go Green. Emphasis on trying. And this is my journey to a greener lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. ROFL! Not a hippie...y'are so! Look at you making all those good things, trying to get away from "The Man" and all things industrial and damaging. You are also an environmentalist by being aware of your impact on the eart. GOOD FOR YOU! Love your honesty, your humor, as always!
